Breakfast at Anna's

Breakfast at Anna's

57 km/35 mi

I didn't have far to go today, so I sat around with Anna until 11. I had her paint something on my bike: she decided on a dragonfly, also the subject for a mosaic she made which hangs in her front room.

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104 km/65 mi

Not a whole lot memorable about the ride to Hugoton, except that I used my newfound dog whispering powers to command three, count 'em, three dogs back to their home with their tails between their legs. Really it was my dog shouting powers. They came out barking and scary just as a semi was passing; I got off my bike, pissed that their owners left them to run free on such a dangerous highway. I pointed back the way they came, and in the most biblical voice I could muster, said "Go back!" And they did. And it was good.

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113 km/71 mi

I keep waking up at four, don't know what to do about it. Just keep moving, I guess.

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98 km/61 mi

Woke up to some frost on my tent this morning. It was pretty chilly and I'd gotten 5 good hours of sleep, so I ended up sleeping in. It was a beautiful day once it warmed up.

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Today was very much a grit your teeth and push through kind of day.

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