89 km/55 mi
I went back through Raton, but again wasn't very impressed. I did eat at a diner that offered standard American breakfast fare but had fantastic music that reminded me of the Buena Vista Social Club playing in the background.
The ride to Cimarron was mostly downhill from Raton and I made good time. I met my next couchsurfing host, Nathan, at Philmont ranch, a huge area dedicated to outdoor activities for boy scouts.

Nathan works at the gear store there, and he hooked me up with a replacement sleeping pad at a discount. After that, we ate a hearty dinner and watched Whose Line Is It Anyway on his computer: lots of fun. Other than having to fight off a dog trying to hump my leg all night...
We talked about our travels and
then headed to his dorm, where he set me up on a bunkbed.